
Ted Serafin Contracting LLC

Founded in 1988

In 1988, Master Mason Ted Serafin set out to offer the finest masonry and general contracting service in the state of New Jersey. Since inception, the firm has served thousands of clients across the state, from fortune 500 executives and professional athletes to the average friendly neighbor and municipal facilities. Countless dreams have been materialized across the state and greater tri-state area.

Based in New Jersery

Ted Serafin Contracting operates out of it's office in New Brunswick, NJ and tool facility in Somerset, NJ. Jobs as far out as 3-4 hours from the company's base have been completed. Although as you may expect, with increasing distance, comes increasing price. Unfortunately our office is not open to the public, however we do offer on-site consultations. Contact us about a free consultation.


The country of Poland spans over a 1000 years of rich history, with over 500 castles and 2,500 palaces. The country is known for its opulent stonework and extensive use of masonry in architecture. This is evident in the typical home in Poland as they're constructed primarily of cylinder blocks, as opposed to the more common choice of wood around the world. The long standing tradition is said to originate in 1310, when King Kazimierz III inhereted a kingdom weakend by war but reigned with a mission to fortify a stone-clad nation, paving the way for Poland to become the epicenter of masonary knowledge. Support the traditions of fine craftsmenship by commisioning Master Mason Ted to fortify your home with an impeccable work of art.